Love and Boudoir now open in North Scottsdale


So excited to be up and running in Scottsdale!


Hello to all of you reading this! I’m so happy and excited to share with you that Love & Boudoir is now open in North Scottsdale! Boudoir is such a powerful form of expression as well as photography. It is truly an honor to be able to take part in such an emotional and transformative experience for my clients.

I have been a wedding photographer for quite a few years and photography is to the very core of my being, my passion in life. My journey in becoming a boudoir photographer lays intensely in my own experiences as a wife, as a mother, and as a woman in general. It is so wildly imperative to know your worth, and to feel confident in your own skin. Does this mean you have to take sexy photos in order to achieve this? Absolutely not. Perhaps it may be easier for me to explain this by sharing my own story with you.

When I was in my 20’s, I was a very confident woman. I had zero body issues. As I got older and had 2 babies back to back, it took a toll on my body as well as my self confidence. My husband never batted an eye, and always went out of his way to show me that I was still beautiful in his eyes. But it was still a hurdle that I had to get over myself.

I am very fortunate to be surrounded by the very best girlfriends who taught me a lot about self love and self acceptance. My neighbor actually told me about boudoir the first time I heard about it. ( Thanks Jackie :) ) And let me tell you…. I was absolutely floored by the experience. I walked away from the session in tears because of what it did for me. In my everyday life, I spend 99% of my time taking care of two small children who I swear make it their life’s mission to create destruction on a constant basis. I put on yoga pants, a baggy t shirt, and throw my hair in your everyday “mom bun”. I have drifted very far from the woman I used to be. The woman who thrived on ‘self care’. I had become a person so distant on who I used to be and I was now fully encompassed in ‘mom life’.

My boudoir experience allowed me to reconnect with myself as a woman. It allowed me to see myself outside of the exhausted shell of a person that stared back at me in the mirror. I looked at myself, and for the first time in a long time, I was proud of what I saw. I was instantly hooked. This is what I wanted to do. I wanted to share this experience with every woman on earth. Every single soul who on some level needs to reconnect with the ability to appreciate themselves as they are, right now, and feel beautiful.

This experience is everything to me. I am so honored to be able to do this for my clients. I want this for them. I want them to see themselves as perfect and beautiful. I want them to experience something that allows them to be confident in the skin they are in.

Self love is powerful. It is everything.


Miss A. and her Boudoir Experience